Babywearing 101

1. Newborn
2. Ergonomic

“T.I.C.K.S.” Rule for Safe Babywearing
-In View at All Times
-Close Enough to Kiss
-Keep Chin off Chest
-Supported Neck/Back

Getting a Good Seat

(The following definitions from Maria on TBW- copied with her permission)

Types of Knots
1. Slipknot or Girth Knot
The Slip Knot most commonly used in wrapping is a Girth Knot. This
knot provides a flat side against the wrapper’s body and the ability to
adjust the carry after wrapping.

2. Reverse Slipknot

3. Square or Reef Knot
The most often used knot in tying of wrap carries. It provides security as well as a relatively flat side against the wrapper’s body.

4. Half-Knot Chest Belt (at mid carry-do not use as a finish for a carry)

5. Lexi Twist
A Lexi Twist is simply twisting the wrap around itself, usually twice, at a point at which the wrapper wishes to maintain wrap tension. It is often used in place of reinforcing passes in order to maintain tension at a higher point on the baby’s back than regular cross passes would allow. Lexi Twists are often used with Rucks as well as a variety of hip carries.

Types of Passes

1. Torso Pass
A Torso Pass goes over the baby and then under both of the wrapper’s arms.
Pros: Binds the baby securely to the wrapper’s torso and provides full, closed support along the sides of the wrap
Cons: Limited ability to position the carry – because the wrap goes under both of the wrapper’s arms, the baby must be positioned at this level. Requires some effort/finesse to get an ideal knees above bum deep seat. Not ideal for leg straightening babies.
Common Carries: Double Hammock, Simple Torso Carry

2. Kangaroo/Ruck Pass
A Kangaroo or Ruck Pass goes over the baby and then over both of the wrapper’s shoulders.
Pros: Baby can be positioned at any point on the wrapper’s torso or back. High pass is good for keeping leaning babies secure. Encourages a deep, knees above bum seat.
Cons: Higher learning curve than a torso pass. Not ideal for leg straightening babies.
Common Carries: RUB, Kangaroo

3. Cross Pass
A Cross Pass passes over the baby on a diagonal, with one end going under the baby’s leg and under the wrapper’s arm and the other end going over the baby’s shoulder and then over the wrapper’s shoulder.
Pros: Good for pre-tieing and then popping the baby in and out of a carry. Also good for securing leg straightening babies.
Cons: Not ideal for leaning babies. Can be more difficult to get snug than other passes and tends not to distribute weight as evenly as other passes since the pass becomes bunched under the baby’s leg rather than remaining spread.
Common Carries: Front Wrap Cross Carry, Hip Cross Carry, Back Cross Carry

4. Rebozo Pass
A Rebozo Pass has one end going over the wrapper’s shoulder while the other end goes under the wrapper’s arm. Unlike a Cross Pass, a Rebozo Pass goes over both of the baby’s legs and stays high on his or her back.
Pros: Hybrid of a Torso and Kangaroo Pass – offers closed support and security but allows more freedom to position the baby where the wrapper is most comfortable.
Cons: Not ideal for leg straightening babies.
Common Carries: Rebozo, RRRR

All wrap carries, front, back and hip are created from a combination of four types of passes: Torso, Kangaroo/Ruck, Cross, and Rebozo. Passes can be combined based on the needs of the wrapper and baby. For example:
* a baby who has a tendency to lean might benefit from a Kangaroo/Ruck based carry
* baby who tends to lean and leg straighten would need a combination of Cross and Kangaroo, Torso or Rebozo passes
* if a wrapper were looking for a quick, poppable carry, he or she might want to consider a Cross Pass based carry.
~Cross passes and Rebozo Passes can often be substituted for each other within a carry. So, if a wrapper is using a carry such as a Hip Cross Carry or Front Cross Carry the calls for two cross passes, but the baby being wrapped tends to lean, the wrapper could make one of the Cross Passes a Rebozo Pass instead in order to secure the baby.~

5. Reinforcing Pass
A Reinforcing Pass comes under the wrapper’s arm, across the baby diagonally, under the baby’s opposite leg and then under the wrapper’s opposite arm.
Pros: Adds additional torso support as well as securing against leg straightening.
Cons: Relatively low pass which then moves lower under the baby’s legs. Because of this, it is not used as a base pass for any carry, but is added for, as the name suggests, reinforcement.

6. Bunched Passes
For a Bunched Passes, the wrap is gathered or bunched into a strap which is then passed over the baby. Most commonly, bunched passes are brought over and then under the baby’s legs (also known as Safety Crosses)

7. Chestbelts
Chest Belts are used either to secure a baby in the middle of wrapping or to alter weight distribution. There are an endless number of creative chest belt possibilities.

Getting Baby on Your Back
1. Newborn
Santa Toss

Getting a newborn off your back

2. Infant/Toddler with good head control
Hipscoot, Superman, Supermanflip

Getting Infant/Toddler off your back

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